Terrestria Homeowners Association

WELCOME residents of Terrestria! Use this site to access information about our community as well as association forms. You may want to get started by reviewing our bylaws (click an option below to open the doc in a new tab):

Terrestria HOA Bylaws | Rules & Regulations Summary


Click to view: 2024-2025 Budget | Historical HOA Dues 2024

Please keep in mind that the association has 36 hours after a storm to provide snow services, if deemed by the Board of Directors. However, we always try to provide the service as soon as the storm ends. Also, the association provides snow removal for the common sidewalks and a shovel-width pathway from your front entrance to your driveway or street. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to shovel their driveway and parking spaces. Please note that the association, as a courtesy, normally provides the first salt application but it is the homeowner’s responsibility to salt their pathways and sidewalks as needed. 
For your reference: Maintenance Responsibility Chart | Snow Bylaw